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  Long Entries - The Second Level (A more detailed description).

    Long entries provide more detailed information than is available in the
    single line allowed for short entries. Long entries are scrollable and
    may be up to 65,536 characters in length.

           one or more lines of text                                      
           [!seealso: references to other long entries]                   

    Long entries are the "meat" of a Hypertext Database. Generally, this
    is where most of the information in a database will be found.

    A long entry is entered into a Data Text File as ASCII text. Any text
    following a short entry, and not preceded by a bang command (!short,
    !file, or !seealso), is taken to be the long entry that the short entry
    above it will expand to.

    Like short entries, a long entry can include the bold, underline,
    reverse and special video attributes; As with short entries, all
    text, including spaces and tabs, will appear in the text of the
    short entry in the database, exactly as it was typed into the
    source file (with the exception of the special handling of the ^
    (caret) character sequences described under Character Attributes).

    A long entry can never be expanded to reveal another list of short
    entries, or another long entry. However, within a long entry, you can
    incorporate Related Topics: to other long entries, using the !seealso:


See Also: An Overview of Database Design. System Requirements. Hypertext Databases (specs) Expert Help Engine Character Attributes Comments !Credits: Data Text Files. !File: Related Topics: !Short: The Menu Link Control File. !Name: The Search Engine (EH.EXE) The Database Composer !Menu:
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